Geochemical Perspectives Letters
In 2015, EAG started the publication of Geochemical Perspectives Letters, a society owned journal, publishing short, highest-quality articles spanning geochemical sciences, open access and carrying NO author charges. Articles are available online as soon as accepted and typeset.
Geochemical Perspectives
Since 2012, the EAG publishes Geochemical Perspectives, a society owned journal. Each issue presents a single article with an in-depth view on the past, present and future of a field of geochemistry, seen through the eyes of highly respected scientists. Articles are open access and the print version is mailed to EAG members.
Elements Magazine
Elements is an international Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, published bi-monthly by 17 participating societies, including the EAG. It is available in print and online. Subscription to Elements in print starts at the time of joining but EAG members have access all back issues online.
Chemical Geology
The EAG is affiliated with Chemical Geology, a journal publishing research papers on the isotopic and elemental geochemistry and geochronology of the Earth.