Personnel Archive

The following links list the scientists who served the council, committees and editorial boards in the past. We would like to thank them for their time and dedication for each one has contributed to growth of the society.

EAG Past Presidents

Term Name Affiliation (at the time of presidency)
01/2021 – 12/2022 Derek Vance ETH Zürich, Switzerland
01/2019 – 12/2020 Sigurður Gíslason University of Iceland, Iceland
01/2017 – 12/2018 Bernard Marty University of Lorraine, France
01/2015 – 12/2016 Liane G. Benning University of Leeds, UK & GFZ Potsdam, Germany
01/2013 – 12/2014 Chris Ballentine University of Oxford, UK
01/2011 – 12/2012 Bernard Bourdon ENS Lyon, France
01/2009 – 12/2010 Eric Oelkers CNRS Toulouse, France
01/2007 – 12/2008 Alex Halliday University of Oxford, UK
01/2005 – 12/2006 Bruce Yardley University of Leeds, UK
01/2003 – 12/2004 Terry Seward University of Manchester, UK
01/2001 – 12/2002 Francis Albarède ENS Lyon, France
01/1999 – 12/2000 Albrecht Hofmann Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany
01/1997 – 12/1998 Claude Allègre IPGP, France
01/1995 – 12/1996
01/1993 – 12/1994 Keith Onion’s University of Cambridge, UK
01/1991 – 12/1992
01/1989 – 12/1990 Heinrich Wanke Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany
01/1987 – 12/1988 Yan Bottinga IPGP, France
01/1985 – 12/1986 Alan Bruce Thompson ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Geochemical Perspectives Editorial Board

Current Editors

Term Name Affiliation (at the time of service)
2013 – Janne Blichert-Toft ENS Lyon, France
2016 – Don Canfield University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2019 – Sarah Gleeson German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany
2022 – Klaus Mezger University of Bern, Switzerland
2020 – Richard Pancost University of Bristol, UK
2018 – Mihály Pósfai University of Pannonia, Hungary

Past Editors

Term Name Affiliation (at the time of service)
2011 – 2019 Liane G. Benning University of Leeds, UK & GFZ Potsdam, Germany
2011 – 2021 Tim Elliott University of Bristol, UK
2011 – 2017 Eric Oelkers CNRS Toulouse, France
2011 – 2017 Susan Stipp University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Geochemical Perspectives Letters Editorial Board

Current Editors

Term Name Affiliation (at the time of service)
2014 – Liane G. Benning GFZ Potsdam, Germany
2020 – Tanja Bosak Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
2020 –  Gavin Foster University of Southampton, UK
2021 – Andreas Kappler Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Germany
2021 – Juan Liu Peking University, China
2018 – Ambre Luguet University of Bonn, Germany
2018 – Horst Marschall University of Frankfurt, Germany
2021 – Francis McCubbin NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
2018 – Satish Myneni Princeton University, USA
2014 –  Eric Oelkers CNRS Toulouse, France
2020 –  Anat Shahar Carnegie Institution for Science, USA
2021 –  Claudine Stirling University of Otago, New Zealand
2016 –  Helen Williams University of Cambridge, UK

Past Editors

Term Name Affiliation (at the time of service)
2017 – 2020 Ariel Anbar Arizona State University, USA
2018 – 2021 Karim Benzerara IMPMC & Sorbonne University, France
2019 – 2022 Maud Boyet University of Clermont-Ferrand, France
2014 – 2017 Rod Ewing Stanford University, USA
2018 – 2021 Cin-Ty Lee Rice University, USA
2016 – 2020 Wendy Mao Stanford University, USA
2018 – 2021 Sophie Opfergelt University of Louvain, Belgium
2014 – 2018 Graham Pearson University of Alberta, Canada
2017 – 2021 Simon Redfern Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2014 – 2017 Susan Stipp University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 – 2017 Bruce Watson Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, USA