Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Mission / vision collective statement
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are the foundations of a strong and thriving scientific community. The vision of the European Association of Geochemistry is to unite the membership in collective efforts to challenge the status quo, transform community culture, and address system-wide and structural barriers to participation in geochemistry and cosmochemistry.
To realise this vision, our mission is to promote DEI initiatives that cultivate welcoming, kind, inspiring, and actively anti-discriminatory scientific cultures as well as safe, healthy, and supportive working environments. As such, EAG DEI activities shall serve as a model for STEM in optimising participation of historically excluded and underrepresented peoples across all sectors, levels of employ, and positions of community leadership.
2022 Global Geochemistry Community Survey – Report and Feedback Form
The 2022 Global Geochemistry Survey was a joint initiative of the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) and the Geochemical Society (GS). The survey was designed to build understanding where knowledge was previously entirely lacking concerning anonymized demographics, community condition, and workplace and laboratory experiences among geochemists and cosmochemists.
The survey data have now been analysed by Survey specialists.
Scope and Accomplishments
An Inclusive, Accessible Goldschmidt Conference
- Both EAG and the Geochemical Society (GS) are committed to providing a safe, open, accessible, and respectful environment at all Goldschmidt conferences. We require that all meeting participants accept and follow the Goldschmidt Code of Conduct;
- The “AMIGo” program (“A More Inclusive Goldschmidt”): Trained staff and delegates are available as a point of contact at the conference to answer questions about the Code of Conduct, or to report harassment or other exclusionary behaviours. Alternatively, an email can be sent to codeofconduct@goldschmidt.info;
- Harassment at any EAG event (including Goldschmidt) can also be reported using the online reporting tool. This tool offers the option to make a report anonymously;
- The DEI committees of EAG and GS provide guidance each year advocating for an inclusive and accessible conference, recommendations which are considered by the Goldschmidt Organizing Committee;
- Each year, the DEI Committees of EAG and GS work to help organize a variety of DEI-related sessions, workshops, and in person and remote social events;
- Under the hybrid conference model, all delegates based in low-income and lower-middle-income countries can attend the conference remotely free of charge;
- The Societies seek to provide student accommodation at low cost and give priority to grant recipients;
- Uniquely among major geoscience conferences (that we know of!), the posters of remote delegates are printed and displayed in the poster hall. This provides visibility to remote poster presenters who may not have funds to attend the conference in person, and improves the chance that all delegates, both in-person and remote, can connect.
Community Engagement with DEI
- Regular EAG DEI blogs are published considering the international context and individual challenges of working in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), within and beyond academia;
- Peer-reviewed publications by DEI committee members include:
- An invited article in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta concerning inequities in geochemistry’s current nomination and award procedures;
- An invited article in Elements identifying a lack of diversity among editorial boards;
- An article in European Science Editing on the diversity of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and Chemical Geology Editorial Boards through time;
- Follow us on Social media: Twitter @EAG_DEI
Open Access Publications
Two open access journals created by and for the community:
Note: it is free to publish in Geochemical Perspectives Letters!
Funding Opportunities
- The EAG has two programs directly funding early career scientists to attend short courses, small conferences, summer schools – see https://www.eag.org/early-career/student-sponsorship/and https://www.eag.org/early-career/early-career-science-ambassadors/;
- The EAG also sponsors a number of conferences or workshops and the funding provided has to support the attendance of early career scientists – see https://www.eag.org/outreach/event-sponsorship/;
- The EAG-GS Goldschmidt Grant Program entirely supports scientists in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. Selected grant recipients attend the conference in-person free of charge, and in addition, some receive travel funds to pay for their travel and accommodation expenses (see https://www.eag.org/early-career/goldschmidt-grants/and https://www.geochemsoc.org/programs/goldschmidt-conference-grants).
Diversifying EAG Awards
- Reforms to the nomination and award systems of EAG and GS were made in 2020 and 2021. These reforms include a broadened definition of an “exceptional contribution” and allowing for different career paths;
- Extensive efforts are made every year by the Award Nominations Committee to solicit diverse nominations for EAG Awards;
- A message from the former EAG President explains the award nomination procedures: please do get involved!
GS-EAG Virtual Mentorship Program
- Geochemists, depending on their location, may have limited access to the resources, opportunities, or expertise necessary to fulfil their professional goals. The GS and EAG mentorship program aims to connect these professionals with mentors across the globe who can assist, guide, and provide insights to aid in achieving these goals;
- The pilot program is dedicated to geochemists from low-income or lower middle-income countries;
- In the future, depending on the success of the program and on the number of mentors volunteering, we hope that the program will expand.
Outreach Programs
- The joint EAG-GS Outreach Program fully funds lecturers to provide training (seminars and workshops) to early career scientists in Africa.
- The EAG Distinguished Lecture Program fully funds lecturers to provide seminars to early career scientists in Eastern Europe.
Amazing people series
Throughout history many amazing people from all walks of life have contributed to and accelerated our scientific understanding. Some of these amazing scientists have been largely forgotten or you might not have heard about them. Meet these Amazing Scientists and maybe some among them can be your new role models!