Memorandum of Understanding between the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) and the Hungarian Geological Society (HGS)

The agreement between the HGS and EAG offers benefits to the members of both organizations.

EAG member benefits

  • The HGS website and newsletter will carry advertisements for the Goldschmidt Conferences, EAG sponsored workshops and EAG publications.
  • The HGS website will place the EAG logo in a prominent location together with a link from the logo to the EAG website.

HGS member benefits

  • Member registration rates when attending the EAG-led V.M. Goldschmidt Conference.
  • Member rate to purchase Geochemical Perspectives back issues in print
  • EAG will provide logistical support to organize HGS committee meetings or workshops at the same rate as charged to EAG at the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference.
  • The EAG website will place the HGS logo in a prominent location together with a link from the logo to the HGS website.
  • The EAG will insert small notices about HGS society activities in the EAG newsletter.