François Chabaux, Outreach Lecturer 2015
François Chabaux is Full Professor of Geoscience and Geochemistry at the “Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (EOST)” at the University of Strasbourg, France. Since 2000, he chairs the Isotope Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry team (co-chairs with D. Lemarchand since 2014). Currently, he heads the “Laboratoire d’Hydrologie et de Géochimie de Strasbourg” (LHyGES- Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg), which he founded in 2009 with his colleague P. Ackerer (Research Director, CNRS).
François Chabaux and the Isotope Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry team* focus on studying the mechanisms and characteristic times involved in weathering processes and transfers of matter in continental hydro-systems. The studies are carried out by developing and using the tools of elemental and isotopic geochemistry. Over the last 15 years, François Chabaux has been highly involved with the Strasbourg group for developing the methodology of U-series nuclides to constrain the time scales of weathering processes and of the sediment transfers in alluvial plain. He was also involved in the development of geochemical approaches based on the new isotopes (Ca, B, Li..) to depict the main processes involved in biogeochemical cycles. François also participated in the development of French and international critical zone observatory network; the LHyGeS and the EOST are in charge of the Strengbach watershed, used since 1986/87 as a Hydrological and Geochemical Observatory for the environment (Observatoire HydroGeochimique de l’Environement (OHGE) – resp: MC Pierret- ass. prof. EOST). François Chabaux and colleagues at Strasbourg, especially Peter Stille (Research Director, CNRS) contributed significantly during recent years to the development of hydro-geochemical studies conducted on the OHGE Critical Zone Observatory.
From 1987 to 1993, François Chabaux was research and teaching Assistant at Université Paris 7 and then at the IPGP, France. After receiving his PhD on the U-series nuclides in volcanic rocks, prepared under Claude Allègre supervision, he spent 18 months, as Research Associat at the University of Cambridge, UK, in Keith O’Nions group. He was appointed Assistant Professor for Geochemistry at the University of Strasbourg in 1994 and Full Professor in 1998.
*Permanent staff of the “Isotope Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry” team (2015): E. Beaulieu (ass. prof., ENGEES); R. Boutin (IR CNRS), F. Chabaux (prof., UdS); C. Fourtet (T, CNRS); S. Gangloff (AI, CNRS); F. Gauthier-Lafaye (DR CNRS); M. Granet (IR CNRS); D. Lemarchand (ass. prof., UdS); N. Mahr (IE, CNRS); G. Morvan (IE, CNRS); E. Pelt (IR, CNRS); T. Perrone (AI, CNRS); M.C. Pierret (ass. prof., UdS); S. Rihs (ass. prof., UdS); P. Stille (DR CNRS); D. Viville (CR CNRS); T. Weber (ass. prof., UdS).