Lena Alakangas, LuleƄ University of Technology, Sweden


Lena Alakangas is Professor of Applied Geochemistry at the Department of Social, Environmental and Natural Resource Engineering at LuleƄ University of Technology, Sweden. She received her doctorate in 2006. She is an environmental geochemist with research that focuses on the understanding of geochemical processes in natural environments and environments that have been affected by human activities such as mining. The research also includes evaluation and development of preventive methods to reduce environmental impact. She is currently head of the research subject Applied Geochemistry, which includes research in analytical chemistry, isotope geochemistry and environmental forensics, in order to trace the source of pollutants and geochemical processes. She works closely with the extractive industry and infrastructure companies.

Motivation for serving the EAG council

I am interested in promoting geochemical research related to the green transition of mining and society, as well as adaptation to climate change. Sweden is facing a huge challenge to recruit and train competence in geochemistry related to this. My long experience of applied geochemistry and collaboration with industrial partners can help strengthen the network and strengthen relations in Europe. EAG and Goldschmidt are good platforms for exchanging research and developing new ideas, but also for increased mobility and networks of young researchers and seniors.