Carmen Sanchez-Valle
EAG Councillor, co-Chair of the Goldschmidt2023 Organizing and Science Committees
Carmen Sanchez-Valle is a Professor of Mineralogy at the University of Münster, Germany. She obtained her PhD at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon in 2003. Carmen’s research covers a broad range of topics in experimental (fluids) geochemistry, high pressure mineralogy and planetology. She investigates experimentally the physical and chemical status of Earth’s materials to understand processes in deep planetary interiors. A particular focus of her research is the role of fluids in mass transfer processes in subduction zones, which she addresses through a combination of experimental studies of fluid-rock interactions and thermodynamic modelling. Most recent research centers around the formation of crustal ore deposits, the dynamics of volcanic eruptions, the volatile cycles in the solid Earth and the magnetic state of the mantle. She serves in different review panels at synchrotron facilities in Europe since 2010, and as Associate Editor for European Journal of Mineraloy since 2018.
In her role within EAG, Carmen will be co-chairing the Goldschmidt2023 Organizing and Science Committees with Catherine Jeandel.