Béatrice Luais
EAG Treasurer
Béatrice Luais is a CNRS research scientist at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG), Nancy (France). She is an isotope geochemist with particular emphasis on non-conventional heavy stable isotopes.
She obtained her PhD from the University of Montpellier (France) on the topic of subduction-related volcanism. She then joined the Open University (UK) as a post-doctoral researcher where she studied processes involved in the formation of the Archaean crust, before integrating the CNRS at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS, France). She developed isotopic measurements using MC-ICP-MS techniques that she applied to radiogenic isotopes on high-pressure metamorphic crust and high-resolution magmatism, and to non-conventional heavy stable isotopes in the fields of meteorites, deep Earth and critical metal deposits.
She is currently leading a research group focused on the cosmo-geochemistry of germanium and its isotopes to understand thermodynamic conditions of core-mantle segregation, volatile element behaviour during planetary mantle evolution, and processes related to impacts.