Johanna Marin Carbonne
EAG Councillor
Johanna Marin-Carbonne is an assistant Professor in stable isotope geochemistry at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). She is a geological engineer by training and received a PhD in geosciences in 2009 from the University of Lorraine (France). She was a post-doctoral fellow first at the University of Los Angeles California, (USA) and then at the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris (France). She was appointed assistant professor in 2014 at the University Jean Monnet (St Etienne, France) and in 2018 she joined the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Her research interests rely on better constraining the environmental conditions of the Early Earth, especially the redox conditions as well as the link between these conditions and the evolution of microbial life. Her research uses high spatial resolution method of stable isotope geochemistry associated with mineralogical and petrographic tools to better understand what kind of metabolic biosignatures can be preserved in the geological rock record.