Heather Buss

EAG Councillor

Heather Buss is an Associate Professor in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK. She is a low-temperature geochemist who specialises in biogeochemical weathering in the critical zone. Her focus is on identifying, quantifying and modelling feedbacks between chemical weathering and biological and physical processes, especially at rock-soil interfaces. She applies a range of tools and approaches including field work, experimentation, modelling, and geochemical analyses of rocks, soils, waters, microorganisms and vegetation. Her work on weathering extends from forests to agricultural soils to the deep subsurface. She obtained her PhD in Geosciences from Penn State University (USA) in 2006 and held positions as an NRC research fellow and as a research chemist at the US Geological Survey before moving to the UK in 2011.