Caroline Peacock

EAG Vice-President

Caroline Peacock is Professor of Biogeochemistry in the School of Earth and Environment at University of Leeds, UK. Her work uses fundamental chemical principles to understand the cycling of elements that are essential for life. She focuses on how mineralogical processes help control the abundance and distribution of elements in terrestrial and marine environments, and how small-scale interactions at the mineral-water interface shape global-scale element cycles in both modern and ancient environments. Her work has three overarching strands: mineralogical controls on bio-essential metal cycling, mineralogical controls on bio-essential carbon cycling, and how these mineralogical processes combine to shape the past, present and future Earth system.

Caroline obtained her Ph.D. in geochemistry at University of Bristol, UK, before joining University of Southampton and then University of Leeds. She received the EAG Houtermans award in 2015 for exceptional contributions to geochemistry, a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2018, and served as Mineralogical Society of America Distinguished Lecturer in 2018-19 and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Distinguished Lecturer in 2019-21. She has previously served the EAG and Geochemical Society in various capacities, including as an EAG Councillor and Awards Nomination Committee Member and Chair.