Alberto Vitale Brovarone

EAG Councillor

Alberto Vitale Brovarone is a researcher at Torino University (Italy) and CNRS (France). He obtained a binational (Italy-France) PhD in 2011, and then carried out three years of postdoctoral research in Paris, France (ISTeP; IMPMC/ENS). Alberto’s research interests center around fluid-rock exchanges and volatile recycling from the seafloor to subducting slabs, by means of a combination of field observation, geochemistry, and petrology. Over the last years, his work has mainly focused on the deep carbon cycle, and particularly on the genesis and recycling of high-pressure abiotic hydrocarbons in subduction zones, for which he has obtained grants from French (ANR) and Italian (MIUR) agencies. He is also participating in a number of projects spanning alteration of active slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere, element mobility in subducting slabs and archeology.