Goldschmidt2025 Abstract submission closes on 26 February

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Format and Abstract Submission

The Goldschmidt2025 Conference will continue to feature presentations from in-person and remote delegates, however there will not be any live remote participation. Read more about the Conference Format.

Abstract submission is now open. Browse the Science Program and submit by 26 February.

Grant application is open. The deadline is 12 February.


EAG Distinguished Lecturer Sarah Gleeson visits Hungary in February

As part of the EAG’s Distinguished Lecturer Program Dr. Sarah Gleeson will travel to the 20th Winter School in Mineral Sciences, in Veszprém, Hungary to give two lectures: ‘Pyrite as a chemical archive in Zn mineralized sedimentary basins’ and ‘The Permian Kupferschiefer copper mineralizing systems: new insights from Eastern Germany’.


New EAG Councillors

Following the recent elections for the EAG Council 2025, Aurélie Verney-Carron (University Paris-Est Créteil, France), Bruno Dhuime (Geosciences Montpellier, France) and Carla Tiraboschi (University of Perugia, Italy) and  were elected by EAG members.

Also, the current EAG Council elected Caroline Peacock (University of Leeds, UK) as EAG Vice-President, Laurent Remusat (IMPMC, France) and Lenny Winkel (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) as Goldschmidt Officers, as well as Monika Kusiak (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) as Secretary.


Join or Renew your EAG Membership

Your EAG membership provides you discounted registration for Goldschmidt2025, publications, access to the members’ platform and forum, EAG funding through early career programs, and much more!
2025 Membership Rates
Students: 1 year – 15€ | 3 years – 35€
Professionals: 1 year – 35€ | 5 years – 140€ | 10 years – 280€


Watch the latest EAG Reactions Webinar on Critical Mineral Resources

In this latest EAG Reactions Tânia Martins from the Manitoba Geological Survey in Canada presented insights from her work in academia and governmental institutions on Critical Mineral Resources


EAG Application Deadlines

1 March: Early Career Ambassador Program application deadline

Goldschmidt Deadlines

12 February: Grant application deadline
26 February: Abstract submission deadline
31 March: Student Helper application deadline
21 May: Early and Presenter registration deadline
21 May: Science Workshops, Early Career Workshops and Mentor Program booking deadline
9 June: Social Events and Childcare booking deadline


Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Geochemical Perspectives

Elements Magazine