Conference format, Grant Program and Abstract Submission
The Goldschmidt2025 Conference will continue to feature presentations from in-person and remote delegates, however there will not be any live remote participation. Read more about the Conference Format.
Abstract submission is now open. Browse the Science Program and submit by 26 February.
Your EAG membership provides you with discounted registration for Goldschmidt2025, publications, access to the members' platform and forum, EAG funding through early career programs, and much more!
2025 Membership Rates Students: 1 year - 15€ | 3 years - 35€ Professionals: 1 year - 35€ | 5 years - 140€ | 10 years - 280€
EAG Distinguished Lecturer Sarah Gleeson visits Hungary in February
As part of the EAG's Distinguished Lecturer Program Dr. Sarah Gleeson will travel to the 20th Winter School in Mineral Sciences, in Veszprém, Hungary to give two lectures: 'Pyrite as a chemical archive in Zn mineralized sedimentary basins' and 'The Permian Kupferschiefer copper mineralizing systems: new insights from Eastern Germany'.
The EAG Student Sponsorship Program supports onsite participation at events held in Europe, or online participation at events held anywhere in the world. Successful applicants will receive sponsorship of up to 1000 euros to cover registration, abstract fees, and travel expenses where applicable. Applicants may be based in any country.
It is with great sadness that we announce that Claude Allègre passed away on 4 January 2025. He was 87 years old. Claude Allègre played a key role in the development of geochemistry in Europe and the world. Together with his colleagues Professor Albrecht Hofmann and Sir Keith O’Nions, he created the European Association of Geochemistry in the mid-1980s and was its president from 1997 to 1998. A full description of his contributions to Earth Sciences can be found on the IPGP website.
We are stunned and saddened to report that Britta Planer-Friedrich passed away on 4 January 2025 after a long illness. Britta became Professor for Environmental Geochemistry at the University of Bayreuth in 2012, after establishing an Emmy Noether Researcher Group, from the German Research Foundation, examining the mobility of metals in the environment and the role of microbial interactions. She studied, in particular, arsenic-sulphur compounds in many types of environments including, hydrothermal fluids, aquifer sediments and groundwater and in recent years in rice fields. Britta was a regular convener of sessions at Goldschmidt meetings and was a member of the Science Committee for the 2019 Barcelona conference. She was a member of the EAG council from 2013-2015 and worked to develop opportunities for young researchers as part of the Training and Outreach Committee.
EAG Sponsored Student Giulia Molina attends the PO2 workshop in Bristol
[by Giulia Molina] I am a PhD candidate at the University of Algarve. Originally from Brazil, I graduated in Oceanography from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro and completed a Master’s in Science at at the Oceanography Institute of the...
A pristine low-Ti cumulate source for Chang’e 5 basalts revealed by Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes
The Chinese Chang’e 5 mission has returned the youngest mare basalts (∼2.0 Ga) identified thus far. However, their mantle source remains highly debated. Here, we present an integrated study of the mineralogy, chemical...
Metal differentiation on asteroids recorded in Zn and Fe isotopic signatures of ureilites
Ureilites are meteorites that represent mantle restites of a planetesimal likely disrupted before the magma ocean stage and then reaccreted. Historically, it was speculated that evaporation shifts the Zn isotope ratios in...
238U/235U in deep-sea corals reflects limited expansion of seafloor anoxia in last ice age
Although much evidence suggests a decrease in deep ocean oxygen levels during the last glacial period, a quantitative global constraint on anoxic versus suboxic seafloor area is still lacking. Establishing such a constraint is...
Production of highly silicic 3.9 to 4.27 Ga crust on the Moon
The preserved remnants of a planetary body’s early crust represent a unique window into chemical and physical processes that shaped its beginning. While iron- and magnesium-rich magmas with low silica (SiO2) are common...
Unlocking the journey of gold through magmatic fluids
[Press Release University of Geneva] By studying sulphur in magmatic fluids at extreme pressures and temperatures, a UNIGE team is revolutionising our understanding of gold transport and ore deposit formation...
Why Los Angeles, America's most fire-ready city, became overwhelmed by flames
[npr] The biggest of several wildfires still burning out of control in Los Angeles grew by more than 1,000 acres overnight. At least 319,000 people are now under evacuation orders or in evacuation warning areas. As the firefight continues, questions...
Melting Antarctic ice sheets may be causing larger volcanic eruptions
[] Melting ice sheets are often considered synonymous with climate change in the media, with evocative images of lone polar bears floating on ever-shrinking rafts of ice. While impacts such as sea level rise and salinity changes are commonly...
Geochemical surveys reveal ancient copper industry in King Solomon's mines did not pollute environment
[] A new study from Tel Aviv University overturns prevailing scientific beliefs that King Solomon's Mines not only harmed the health of workers in the ancient copper industry but also pose risks to the health of modern residents living near...
Lead pollution in ancient Rome may have dropped average IQ by up to 3 points, study finds
[NBC News] Researchers linked lead found in ice samples from Greenland to ancient Roman silver smelters, suggesting the pollution was pervasive enough to affect much of Europe. In ancient Rome, toxic lead was so pervasive in the air that it...
18th SGA Biennial Meeting: abstract submission 21 February
The 18th biennial meeting of SGA will be held at the Colorado School of Mines on August 3-7, 2025. Join us at the world’s premier forum for exchange of ideas on a broad range of issues related to mineral deposit research, exploration, development, and the environment. Abstract submission:21 February Early/late registration: 15 May/2 August - EAG members benefit from member rates
86th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition: registration 15 March
The 86th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place in Toulouse, France, 2-5 June 2025. The theme of the conference, “Navigating Change: Geosciences Shaping a Sustainable Transition,” highlights the critical role of geosciences in promoting global sustainability. Early registration: 15 March - EAG members benefit from member rates
IAVCEI25 Scientific Assembly: registration 31 March
The next IAVCEI Scientific Assembly will be held from 29 June to 4 July 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland. The theme of the conference will be: "The energies of magma: From volcanic eruptions and mineral resources to geothermal production and sustainability". Early registration:31 March - EAG members benefit from member rates
18th International Clay Conference: abstract submission & early registration 11 April
The Clay Minerals Group of the MSUKI invites you to the 18th International Clay Conference (ICC) taking place at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, on 13-18 July. The theme of the conference is ‘Sustaining Clays’. Abstract submission:11 April Early registration: 11 April - EAG members benefit from member rates
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European Association of Geochemistry is registered at LMV Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux, 6 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63170 Aubière, FRANCE