Ralf Halama, Keele University, UK


Ralf Halama is a lecturer in igneous and metamorphic petrology at the University of Keele (UK). He received a Diplom in geology from the University of Mainz in 2000 and his doctoral degree from the University of Tübingen in 2003 with a thesis about igneous rocks from the Gardar Province, Greenland. Ralf held postdoctoral positions at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, the University of Maryland (USA) as Feodor-Lynen research fellow, and the Universities of Kiel and Potsdam. His research interests include geochemical cycling in subduction zones with a focus on the application of novel stable isotope systems, and the formation of carbonatites and alkaline igneous rocks. Ralf currently serves as treasurer for the Metamorphic Studies Group and is associate editor for Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Motivation for serving the EAG council

I am honoured to be considered as candidate for the EAG council and motivated to contribute to the EAG’s activities on promoting geochemistry internationally. Whether through the participation at Goldschmidt Conferences or the diverse publications, as a geochemist, I greatly benefit from the EAG’s work, and I will bring enthusiasm and experiences from having worked in different European countries to help the EAG in its endeavours. EAG initiatives for the support of early career researchers, awards, publications and public outreach are important for our geochemical community and for making geochemistry accessible to the general public. I look forward to be involved in strengthening the collaboration between European geochemists. If elected, improving access to analytical and experimental facilities for geochemists across Europe will be one of my priorities.