Kate Kiseeva, University College Cork, Ireland


Kate Kiseeva is a Lecturer in Geochemistry at the University College Cork, Ireland. She obtained her undergraduate degree (2007) in petrology and geochemistry from the Mining Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. In 2012 she received her PhD in experimental petrology from the Australian National University and for the following six years she worked as a postdoctoral researcher and later as a NERC research fellow at the University of Oxford. Her research interests focus on two topics: the behaviour of chalcophile elements in mantle processes and during the Earth’s accretion and differentiation, and high-pressure mantle geochemistry, metasomatism in the cratonic mantle and upper- and lower-mantle inclusions in diamonds.

Motivation for serving the EAG council

My main motivation to become an EAG councillor is to contribute to the geochemical community and its diversity. As an EAG councillor, I will represent high-temperature geochemical and experimental community and will try to strengthen the links between these and neighbouring disciplines, such as igneous and metamorphic petrology, economic geology and isotope geochemistry. I haven’t missed a single Goldschmidt conference since 2012, and I would relish an opportunity to be a part of an organising team of this excellent scientific event.